Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Driving in Miami

OK, so where do I begin. When I, like thousands of others, leave the house at the crack of dawn, I do so because I have to get to work. I'm not just tooling around the neighborhood picking my nose. I sometimes find it difficult to arrive at my destination without wanting to slit my wrists after dealing with the countless morons I inevitably encounter. We've all been behind women doing their hair and makeup, men shaving etc., but I recently pulled up next to a woman plucking her chin hairs with a tweezer. Can you believe it. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want the whole world to know I have chin hair, let alone pluck them in public. My request is this. Read your newspaper at home, put your makeup on at home or work, if you can't talk on the phone and drive at the same time then don't do it, keep up with traffic, use your directionals (I don't drive with a crystal ball), red lights mean stop. If you have no place to be by a particular time, please stay the hell off the road during rush hour. I could go on and on but I'll address my other driving pet peeves at a later time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Sometimes I forget how bad it is. Otherwise I might slit my wrists myself!
