Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sex & The Teenage Boy

Now that my kids are grown I'm somewhat out of the loop regarding what's going on in Middle and High School until someone brings it to my attention. I understand that girls as young as middle schoolers are performing oral sex on boys in between classes and during lunch. Someone needs to talk to these girls in a way that's honest open and true. They need to understand that a boys "job" at that age is to have some kind of sex. And yes, "oral" is sex which is why it's called oral sex! While you can't get pregnant you can still get diseases. Boys will say all kinds of things like "I love you", "Everyone else does it", "It's not a big deal", "You'll still be a virgin", and my favorite "If you don't do it, it means you don't love me and I'll find someone else who will"! Boys have been feeding girls this load of crap since before Noah built the Ark. They will manipulate and lie because their tiny little brains are in their pants. Now lets look at who gets what. He gets "sex", he gets to be a "God" amongst his peers and he shares all the details with everyone he knows. What do you get? You get the honor of being chosen to be his girlfriend. Woo Hoo! I knew I couldn't be around my girls 24/7 and that I needed to trust them to make good choices. I instilled in them that they should be leaders not followers and to never let anyone pressure them into anything. They call the shots. We need to make sure our girls grow up with the self esteem and confidence to choose what's right for them, and when some boy says "If you love me you will", hand them a bar of soap and say "Here, Love yourself"!


  1. Somehow I avoided this particular trap when I was growing up. Whew! But geez, it's different now and teenagers are so dumb!

  2. OK kids and grown-ups alike. I was the brilliant but naive one in freshman high school biology class that after watching the dreaded "VD" video (in the dark ages they did not refer as STD but Venereal Disease)actually raised my hand in class to ask how they got the "disease" all over their mouths? Hello!!!!! I learned pretty quick that there was such a thing as oral sex.
